Monday, July 25, 2011

Social Network Gaming with Non-Social Networking Gaming Friends

 One of the hardest parts of this Hobby has been engaging in the social aspect. I do have several friends that I would consider gamers, but most of them scoff at the thought of playing social network gaming and consider the overal experience cheap and unworthy of their skills. Most of my other friends either played the games in the past, and have since stopped, or have blocked the games altogether.

Facebook provides a handy feature that allows you to block messages from specific social network games, so it is possible that you could send 100 requests a day, and no one will recieve them.

I have also noticed that people that still play the games are pretty dedidated and play consistantly. These are the friends that I have pretty much been depending upon for help in games like FrontierVille where recieving gifts from friends is practically the only way to complete buildings and advance the game without spending real world money.

If you would like to get help from friends, and find out who playes the game, I would recommend just sending out a message to your friends asking them if they play the game or would be willing to send you a friend/ally/neighbor request.

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